No Dig Technology

Trenchless Technology is now recognized as being an efficient method for installing Pipes and Ducts which is both cost effective and environmentally friendly. Whether you require the installation of new services or the upgrading of existing, M & S Water Services (Utilities) Limited are a No-Dig Specialist Contractor providing a variety of solutions tailored to meet your requirements from planning through to completion.

Whether on major road, rail, SSSI or airport projects, or more specialist engineering projects at sports venues across the UK and Mainland Europe, we always take each job in our stride.

We cover the full range of Trenchless activities including, Directional Drilling, Guided Auger Boring, Unguided Auger Boring, Rock Drilling, Rock Boring, that you might expect on either specialist contracting or full turnkey packages.

Our services include:


Atlas Bore Planner

The Atlas Bore Planner allows our engineers to plan and visualise a bore on a PC before drilling. A detailed terrain plan is entered into the software, either manually, or by using a new system of lasers where the engineer in the field walks the approximate path of the bore with part of the laser system, and a laptop computer then decodes the information received from the sensors and converts it into a terrain plan.

Utilities and other underground services, rivers, lakes, roads, railways etc. are all added to the bore plan. The engineer can then specify the exclusion zone around these utilities. The type of drilling machine and length of rods is also specified. When the software has all of the information that it needs, it calculates the bore path, and displays it for the engineer to view . This can then be adjusted manually if required. The software will not allow the exclusion zones around underground services to be entered, nor will it allow the bend radius of the rods to be exceeded.

When the planning stage is complete, the bore plan and the drilling details can be printed. These include detailed instructions including the angle of each rod for the full bore.

Terrain Mapping

One-person, fast and accurate topography and utility collection. The Terrain-Mapping System utilises a reflective laser to allow quick and accurate collection of job site data. Information can quickly and conveniently be uploaded to ATLAS BORE PLANNER® software for a completely integrated job site approach.


The NAVTEC computer-aided steering system works in tough steering conditions using preset parameters like clock-face sweep and thrust/rotation pressures.  NAVTEC provides steering in demanding ground conditions where conventional thrust steering is not possible.

Directional Drilling

This technique is ideal for the installation of small to medium diameter pipes and ducts on a straight or curved alignment. Used extensively by the gas, water, telecoms and electricity industries, directional drilling is an effective means of installing pipes and ducts from 25 to 900mm diameter beneath roads, rivers, canals, airport runways, railways and environmentally sensitive areas.

Guided Auger Boring

Microtunnelling is a minimum disruption method of constructing gravity or pressure pipes to precise levels of gradients in most ground conditions.  Clayware, steel, concrete or polymeric jacking pipes may be installed from relatively small shafts, in diameters from 100 to 2000mm.  Optically guided microtunnelling is particularly suited to operation in congested areas where working space is at a premium and precision is paramount.

Impact Moling

Displacement method suitable for the installation of pipes, ducts and cables up to 180 mm diameter over distances of up to 25 metres.

Pit Launched Drilling

Working from small excavations, gas, water, electricity or telecoms services up to 355 mm diameter can be installed over relatively short distances beneath roads or landscaped areas.  Techniques used to include percussive and pit-launched directional drilling.

Pneumatic and Hydraulic Bursting

Existing pipelines up to 900mm diameter can be replaced or upsized on the same line using hydraulic pipe-bursting equipment. Pipe-bursting systems break out the old pipes while simultaneously drawing in a new polyethylene pipe behind the bursting head.

Rock Drilling

This technique enables non-displacement boring into solid rock, gravel,s cobbles, and boulders. With 150 to 900mm diameter this method is suitable for the installation of steel, HDPE and MDPE pipe.

Auger Boring and Steel Pipe Ramming

Where larger excavations are possible, these techniques offer a rapid method of installing steel crossings beneath embankments, railways, airport runways and roads with minimal risk of settlement. This is a traditional method of installing new pipelines and is performed by diesel or hydraulic driven equipment. Diameters from DN150 to DN2300 are available, and any combination of pipes or ducts can be inserted.